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Singing in the street
Singing in the street
Pray before the show
Pray for the Blind
5-07-11 Vision@GKYGree.jpg

Vision Choir, started in 1979, is currently in search of a new music director, and no activities are planned for 2022-2023



We started as a high school choir composed of young people from the First Evangelical Church.  The beginning days of Vision were quite difficult.  Trying to get five young men who loved playing basketball to practice singing every Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon was not an easy task.  The teenage girls also had their share of priorities and distractions.  However, the founders had a desire for "Vision" to become more than an average youth choir.  They had a deep desire to minister and reach out to people outside of their church, sharing the message of Jesus Christ through music.


Over 40 years, more than 250 singers have joined Vision.  Many former members now serve the Lord and society as pastors, deacons, missionaries, doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, and even choir directors.  Vision’s ministry and outreach have expanded into discipleship and missions and have been incorporated as part of the music ministry program of the First Evangelical Church Association.  Partial support from the FECA missions budget is augmented by love offerings, freewill donations, and honorariums received at concerts to fund various Vision activities.


Vision has sung at several college campuses and churches throughout the West Coast of the United States and Canada almost every summer since 1983.  In 1998, Vision went on its first cross-cultural missions trip to London, England.  Since then, Vision has gone on tours to places such as Bangkok, Manila, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and other cities in Thailand.  These tours usually include stops in prisons, nursing homes, hospitals, orphanages, and homeless shelters, in addition to traditional places like churches and campuses.


Since 2008, the ministry has included the training of local youths to sing and serve.  Many have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord for the first time, while others have recommitted their lives to God.  Lives have been transformed, and Vision has helped many youths develop their own calling.  Vision members believe that God has called us to serve Him and to meet the needs of others, not just to entertain our listeners through music.  So we sing with the goal so aptly phrased by J. S. Bach: "Soli Deo Gloria."  To God alone be the glory!


Vision Choir is currently in search of a new music director. Pray that God calls and raises the most suitable candidate to take this position.



Contact Us

For more information about Vision, please e-mail or visit our website at


Call Us: (323) 727-7077

     Fax: (323) 727-7977


Find Us: 2617 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640

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