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Upward Bound Study Center                                                          Back

After 400 days of online classes and 60 days of hybrid learning classes, 56% of students returned to Upward Bound Study Center (UBSC) for in-person classes. During the trial period for hybrid learning classes, students attended in-person classes twice a week and online classes for the remainder of the week. As part of the center reopening, UBSC follows Los Angeles County Department of Public Health COVID protocols and provides safety measures to optimize infection control to protect team members and student health.

Despite the challenging situation that we are encountering now, UBSC did keep Summer Program traditions by providing our students with the opportunities to explore and learn during our summer field trip activities. However, due to the pandemic, the number of activities severely decreased from prior years. On the bright side, our students were still able to experience a water taxi ride around the Long Beach port, a Metrolink trip to Oceanside and San Clemente, and enjoy the end-of-summer Go-Kart party. 

In closing, we would like to thank our teachers and staff that work diligently to keep the tutoring program running smoothly and that continue to inspire our students during the pandemic. Your dedication and passion are well received and appreciated by our students. Most importantly, we would like to express our gratitude to our donors and volunteers for their tremendous support. We will strive to continue to serve the community and provide support as needed.

經歷過 400 天的在線課程和60天的混合課程後,我們的暑期課程有 56% 學生返回志上學習中心參加混合課程。學生們每週來中心上課兩天,另外三天在網上聽課。志上學習中心遵循洛杉磯縣公共衛生局 新冠疫情 COVID-19 的規定來確保所有學生及老師的安全。

暑期活動是志上學習中心傳統之一。通過暑期活動,學生們能夠進行實地考察,探索和了解美國文化。因為受疫情影響,我們暑期活動數量受到嚴重限制,幸運地今年學生們仍能參加3個有趣的活動。學生們能夠享受從 Long Beach 乘坐水上出租車、從 Oceanside 到 San Clemente 火車之旅、更可嘗試和享用不同的美式料理,並體驗開卡丁車 (Go Kart) 的樂趣。


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